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if i could hold you for a minute, darling, i would do it again //
------ SPONSORED ------
Moon Dust
Using: Hunger // #3
Moon Dust Flickr
Moon Dust Mainstore
Moon Dust Marketplace
Moon Dust Flickr Group

Soapberry - Elwyn Panty
Soapberry - Elwyn Robe
Random Matter - Isaura Choker
Random Matter - Ulyana Earring [R] (cropped due to hair)
Void - Heartbreak Silks [hair veil size 5 xlrg back]

------ GENETICS ------
Moon Dust - Hunger // #3
Doux - Tisianna Hair
Sante - Katalina Hair (painted)
eBODY - eBODY Reborn
eBODY - HD Nipples
eBODY - Waifus
Lelutka Avalon 4.0
SOMEONE - Lotus Skin [Petal]
SOMEONE - Divinity Body Skin
SOMEONE - Goddess HD Nipples [small]
Just Magnetized - Classy Hairbase set 01 [blonde 05]
Just Magnetized - Bleached Eyebrows [c04, undershadow + highlights]
Just Magnetized - Mimi Nose Blush [strawberry 75% v3, shine v2]
Just Magnetized - Ayu Cheek Blush
Just Magnetized - Rose Blush [access gift]
Just Magnetized - The Countess Eyeliner [soft v1 D]
Keikumu - Modela Eyeshadow [01]
Void - Demure Lashes
Void - Heartbreak Silks [Stockings Lace + Base]

------ TOOLS/BACKGROUND ------
Pose: Lyrium - Nina Static 1
Black Dragon
Paint Tool Sai
Wacom ONE 12"

// thank you to my sponsor! Moon Dust! Please support them by keeping up with their socials + inworld ♥